Tea and Crumpets
T&C | Do I Know What Orwellian Means?
While Will and Adam may, a lot of people have been misusing the term lately. We discuss how all stocks are equal, though some are more equal than others, where we see (and do not see) inflation, and what that means for equities, especially small caps, and bonds. We close with some perspective on what has been driving the outperformance in certain frothy areas of the market, why it may continue, and what risks are being overlooked.
T&C | No Answer
Like the Electric Light Orchestra, Will and Adam have no answer for what is happening right now, but a lot of questions. They cover similarities and differences between now and the late 1990s, discuss valuation for various parts of the market, where they see relatively unattractive risk versus reward, and delve into specifics on a few names in the news.
T&C | The Room Where It Happens
(November, 24, 2020) Will Brown and Adam Eagleston in the same room…drinking while recording a podcast. What could possibly go wrong? Apparently, everything. Listen to the two echo one another’s comments (literally) on election fallout and the widening chasm between economic reality and valuations in certain parts of the market. Will and Adam experienced technical difficulties in the recording of this podcast—we apologize for the sound quality.
T&C | The First Column
Of the periodic table, that is. We talk hydrogen vs. gravity power, rubidium-colored drinks, even unstable francium, provide an update on the potassium-shaped recovery, and answer questions regarding one of our recent white papers. Listening is even easier than Elon Musk thinks it is to find and process lithium using sodium chloride; we are unsure how many cesium cycles long this podcast is, though.
T&C | Diderot, Veblen, and Burgundy?
We discuss the psychology behind investors’ current affinity for glamour stocks and why it may not end soon, how this relates to the Fed’s new inflation policy, and why Will loves lamp.
T&C | Cramer vs. Kramer vs. Kramer
We look to Jim, Rex, and Cosmo, collectively the “C(K)ramers”, for perspective on the Fed, market multiples, the shape of the recovery, and the Dunning-Kruger effect.